Travel grants

IEEE COOL Chips 27 Travel grants

COOL Chips 27 provides travel grants to selected students to attend the conference. It is to encourage student participation at the conference through the generous support of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Microprocessing and Microcomputers.
This grant encourages participation by students who would normally find it difficult to attend.
The award is a financial stipend to partially cover the expense of attending the conference in person. Since the total pot of money is a fixed amount, the amount that can be awarded to each student will depend on the number of awardees and will cover only a portion of your expenses. The reimbursement amount will be based on the number of awards made and the distance traveled.

The applicant must be a full-time student (undergraduate or graduate).
The applicant must be an author or co-author of an accepted paper or poster.

Reimbursable Expenses
Students may apply for funds covering airfare, ground transportation, and lodging between April 16 and April 20, 2024. Please note that meals are not eligible for reimbursement.

Reimbursement Procedure
To be reimbursed, students will be expected to present a copy of receipts and fill out a travel expense claim form (provided later).

Application Procedure
To apply for a grant, the student must submit the application form at the same time as the paper/poster submission.Please note that only authors/co-authors of accepted papers are eligible.
The awardees will be notified via email, along with the notification of acceptance.
We will pass the student winners’ contact information to IEEE CS for the procedure.

You may send your questions regarding the travel award application process to cool_27 “_at_” (Please replace the “_at_” to @.)

Travel Award Selection Committee
Ryusuke Egawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Yasutaka Wada (Meisei Univ.)
Ryohei Kobayashi (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Ryuichi Sakamoto (Tokyo Tech.)
Koji Hashimoto (Fukuoka Univ.)