Sister Conferences
COOL Chips is an International Symposium initiated in 1998 to present advancement of low-power and high-speed chips. The symposium covers leading-edge technologies in all areas of microprocessors and their applications. The COOL Chips XII is to be held in Yokohama on April 15-17, 2009, and is targeted at the architecture, design and implementation of chips with special emphasis on the areas listed below. The COOL Chips Organizing Committee will ask the MICRO to publish selected papers in a special issue on COOL Chips XII.
Contributions are solicited in the following areas:
- Low Power-High Performance Processors for Multimedia, Digital Consumer Electronics, Mobile, Graphics, Encryption, Robotics,
Networking and Biometrics.
- Novel Architectures and Schemes for
Single Core, Multi-Core, Embedded System, Reconfigurable Computing, Grid, Ubiquitous,
Dependable Computing and Wireless.
- Cool Software including
Binary Translations, Compiler Issues and Low Power Techniques.
Proposals should consist of a title, an extended abstract (up to 3 pages) describing the product or topic to be presented and the name, job, title, address, phone number, FAX number, and e-mail address of the presenter. Please prepare an extended abstract using the given guidelines and template (pdf,doc). The status of the product or topic should precisely be described. If this is not-yet-announced product, and you would like to keep the submission confidential, please indicate it. We will do our best to maintain confidentiality. Proposals will be selected by the program committee's evaluation of interest to the audience. Submission should be made by e-mail,
to: Makoto Ikeda, Program Chair at
January 26, 2009 (Closed)
Extended Abstract Submission (by e-mail)
March 2, 2009
Acceptance Notified (by e-mail)
March 16, 2009
Final Manuscript Submission
You are also invited to submit proposals for poster sessions by e-mail,
to: M. Muroyama, Poster Chair at
Extended abstract submissions for poster presentations should be ONE page, formatted using standard two-column IEEE format. They are refereed primarily based on their relevance to the conference. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings of the COOL Chips XII. All participants in this track will have an opportunity to present a poster and a short talk. Submission of a paper to the track signifies an agreement to have one author present the work at the conference.
Authors Schedule (Poster):
March 9, 2009
Poster Abstract Submission (by e-mail)
March 16, 2009
Acceptance Notified (by e-mail)
Sponsored by the Technical Committees on Microprocessors and
Microcomputers and Computer Architecture of the IEEE Computer
Society. In cooperation with the IEICE Electronics Society, ACM